
At Ravaioli it is time for great goals to be shared together with the staff and all the employees

A period of great satisfaction for Ravaioli Legnami, a company founded in 1985, therefore close to celebrating 40 years of activity, embodying today a point of reference not only in Italy in the field of decking and cladding. The company has its registered office in Villanova di Bagnacavallo (Ra), where the Bagnari family’s adventure began by taking over a carpentry shop producing profiles and skirting boards. Today it has offices, sales points or laboratories, also in Villanova di Castenaso (Bo), Rimini and Milan, in the wake of continuous research progress and the broadening of its own horizons.

A few hours ago, an informal meeting at the BBZO in Villanova di Bagnacavallo was the opportunity to celebrate some important goals achieved in recent times. First of these is the 2023 budget reporting an excellent turnover results, and a portion of these profits will be shared with all the employees: “As president – says Elio Bagnari, head of the family that leads Ravaioli Legnami today – I want to wholeheartedly thank every single collaborator of this great family. The choice to share profits comes from the desire to reward the efforts of every single person who represents a cog, or rather a brick, as fundamental as any other brick to support the entire building”.

These extraordinary results are also the result of some important projects created with Ravaioli material: from the Mareterra in Montecarlo by the architect Renzo Piano, to the Solaria Tower by the architect. Marco Piva, passing through the Business School of Bologna by the Arch. Davide Raffaelli by MCA, Parco del Mare in Rimini by Studio Miralles Tagliabue, The Summer Houses in Jesolo, Design District by Richard Meier. Finally, the Maritime Park along the Ravenna coast by Studio Paisà Landscape Architecture.

“At this moment Ravaioli – continues Elio Bagnari, who stands side by side with his son Angelo Bagnari, owner and export manager, and his daughter Chiara managing the administration – is pursuing the request to obtain the ISO14001 Certification which will allow the company to reduce the waste of resources, as well as CO2 emissions, through the adoption of virtuous behaviours and the improvement of technologies and processes. In this way we will make our contribution to the community of our country, for the good and health of all citizens.”

And in this period of satisfaction for the goals achieved, other goals will also be celebrated in Ravaioli. Actually, five employees have completed 20 years of work in the company: Adrian Florian, Sorin Pantea, Cristian Beta, Josif Beta and Gianluca Bottazzi. They are joined by Carlo Bianchi, who has been with Ravaioli for 10 years. Furthermore, last week Eng. Nicola Daiuto, working for Ravaioli, completed the exam for Technical Production Director promoted by Conlegno.

Elio Bagnari concludes: “I acknowldge that my guys have uncommon talents in their activity. Many of them have chosen to live in the small Villanova of Bagnacavallo. Fortunately, Romagna has a lot to offer and the companies present can dare by inviting young people and qualified personnel to seriously consider a long-term job. I also want to congratulate the General Director of Ravaioli, Mirko Franceschelli, who has been with us for almost 25 years, for the enthusiasm he is able to convey in experiencing the company as if it were always the first day of a new job”.